Gabriella Caspi

“I was looking for the key for years, but the door was always open”

— Aravind Adiga

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“I am an amalgamation of parts. I’ve never wanted to be defined by just one thing because I’ve always felt inspired to explore as much creatively as I can because, why not?”

I learned how to walk in the American Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art because my Dad said “It was carpeted”. I grew up with art pouring into me from all directions, from the museums to galleries to the graffiti on the subway cars in New York City where I was born and raised. Ive written poetry, songs, designed, sketched and danced for as long as I can remember. I went to the theatre, ballets, and operas all over the world. My sister and I were so incredibly lucky that our parents always took us with them wherever their adventurous hearts lead them, even after they divorced. 

It came as no surprise to anyone in my family when I left college the first semester to pursue my music. I am so blessed by their support, and I will never forget what it felt like to call your parents crying and say, “Im so sorry Mom and Dad, but I’m miserable, and I have to make music…its the only way I’ll be happy” and to hear them say: “We know, come home.”

I did eventually go back to college once I had found a place that fit me and gave me the room to pursue my range of interests. I studied foreign languages and literature along side painting, art history and psychology. I am still inspired by the days I spent at Eugene Lang College in NYC. I graduated with my BA speaking 4 languages fluently and ready to throw myself into my life.

So far I’ve lived in New York, Capri, Nashville, London and now Los Angeles where I’ve been for the past year working on music and styling. 

Everything in my past informs me, it seeps into the lines when I sketch and into the songs that I write but I continue to transform and grow. This is a space where I hope to foster many creative partnerships and help encourage other people to explore their own bountiful gifts. All I want to do is make people feel less alone and pour love into the world…I hope you’ll join me.